Acción pastoral de la Iglesia Venezolana frente al divorcio. La defensa de la indisolubilidad matrimonial en Venezuela a lo largo del siglo XX
di Ignacio José Rodríguez Mayz
Relatore: Prof. Mons. Juan Ramón Areitio
The Church as the Pillar and Foundation of the Conscientious Judgement of an Individual Catholic in John Henry Newman's Teaching on Conscience as a Subjective Capacity for the Objective Truth
di Charles Lwanga Ssekabira
Relatore: Prof. Mons. Juan Ramón Areitio
Weakness in the Ministry of Paul: Literary and Theological Aspects in 1-2 Corinthians
di George Keduolhou Angami
Relatore: Rev. Prof. Giuseppe de Virgilio