El martes 25 de junio de 2024, (en el Aula Magna), se llevó a cabo un acto institucional con motivo del Emeritato del Prof. Luis Navarro, catedrático de Derecho de la Persona en la Facultad de Derecho Canónico y actual Rector Magnífico de nuestra Universidad.
Participaron la comunidad académica, representantes de movimientos eclesiales y nuevas comunidades, colegas y amigos que quisieron compartir este significativo momento con el Rector saliente.
On Tuesday, June 25, 2024, an institutional event was held in the Aula Magna on the occasion of the Emeritato of Prof. Luis Navarro, Professor of Personal Law in the School of Canon Law and current Rector Magnificus of our University.
The academic community, representatives of ecclesial movements and new communities, colleagues, and friends who wished to share this significant moment with the outgoing Rector took part in the event.