On January 31, 2024, the deadline for participating in the second Call for Projects, launched last September to welcome interdisciplinary and international research proposals, expired. Fourteen project proposals involving 53 professors from Santa Croce and a significant number of researchers from other universities were received.
Each proposal will be scientifically evaluated by a group of experts, both internal and external to the University, coordinated by the Scientific Committee composed of professors Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti and Héctor Franceschi from Santa Croce and Professor Ángel J. Gómez Montoro from the University of Navarra. Subsequently, the projects will be validated and approved by the Rector's Council, taking into account the available financial resources.
The recently concluded Call for Projects follows the previous one held in the Academic Year 2022/2023, which saw the approval of 3 projects: University and Catholic Identity; Footprints. Young People: Expectations, Ideals, Beliefs; and Towards a Theology of Evangelization. These projects involve more than 15 areas of study and over 35 researchers from more than 10 countries. Descriptions of the three projects can be found at the following link: https://www.pusc.it/research-project.
The two Calls for Projects are part of a research promotion plan of the University.
Upcoming initiatives
On February 29, 2024, the Footprints. Young People: Expectations, Ideals, Beliefs research group will organize its first public event, during which the results of a survey conducted in 8 countries regarding young people's perspectives on religion and values will be presented. The survey took place from November to December 2023 and involved a sample of 4,889 young people aged between 19 and 29 years old.