On December 6 the Markets, Culture and Ethics (MCE) research center hosted the webinar "Real and virtual: the myth of the charioteer", the last appointment of the webinar series Digital Humanism. Speakers of the event Emiliano Boschetto (Senior Manager Innovation & Community Building eFM), Alessandro Fossato (Co-founder and CEO, Interlogica), Laura Corti (Postdoctoral Researcher in Epistemology and Human Development, Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome). The meeting was moderated by Simone Budini (CeSID Project Leader, Luiss Business School) and Luca Mongelli (MCE Executive Director, IESE Marie Curie Fellow).
Through the myth of the charioteer, Plato proposes the image of the human being as a winged chariot pulled by two divergent horses, one tending towards the world of ideas and the other towards the tangible world, led by a charioteer who has the task to bring back the horses to make the chariot proceed. According to Plato, man constantly makes the effort to keep idea and reality together.
This ambivalence can be actualized today in the duplicity of real and virtual and in the tension that human beings have for both these dimensions. In fact, with digital technology, we found ourselves living in a space that is different from the real one: the virtual space.
But what is the nature of this space? What relational scope does it have? And above all, do we have the tools to understand and manage its complexity?
These are just some of the questions that have guided our reflection on what the space of man is in the digital age.
The webinar series Digital Humanism is organized in partnership with Venture Thinking, Interlogica, CeSID - Competence Center on Sustainability, Innovation, Digitalization of Luiss Business School, the Center for Business in Society of IESE Business School and Humanistic Management.
We publish the complete version of the webinar below: