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The main results will materialize in:

  • Publications of books: at least 1 per year, starting from the third year of the project
  • Monographic Issues in international and peer-reviewed journals: 1 or 2 during the project
  • Organization of an International Conference

Other Outputs

a) Organization of specialized workshops and interdisciplinary expert meetings: at least 1/year.

b) An important part of the project will be dedicated to the dissemination of our research through innovative forms of diffusion (non academic publications, e.g. gray literature; Web platforms, videos), aimed at involving as many people as possible.


Setting the method, building up a lexicon

The historical method of inquiry is important but does not exempt the scholar from metaphysical commitment; on the contrary, it binds him more so, because it is able to provide a picture of philosophical options that is unprecedented in terms of precision and accuracy and thus provides ideal conditions for the search for truth.

This will be achieved through a combination of historical investigation and metaphysical analysis.The metaphysical analysis: the notion of the individual offers the possibility of a deep metaphysical investigation, grounded on a matching attitude between ancient and medieval traditions and new metaphysical perspectives.


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