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A highly interdisciplinary research

By its very nature and because of the topics addressed and the methodology used, the project is highly interdisciplinary. The nature and mission of ‘government’ in the Church are partly dealt with by ecclesiology but, since the exercise of government is also an object of justice and as such constitutes a legal good, it is also the subject of canon law: the topics of constitutional law, ecclesiastical organization and also the fundamental theory of law in the Church are therefore largely covered. The problems will also be approached from a historical perspective, which will enable us to understand their characteristics, problems and solutions. Since the concept of government is not exclusive to the Church, links and comparisons will be made with civil law, constitutional law and administrative law.

Each discipline (theology, canon law, civil law, history) can thus contribute to a plural analysis of the concept, not only through its own content (definitions, concepts, examples), but also through its own point of view and methodology. The notion of ‘Church Government’ has so far been studied in a fragmentary or partial manner, which has also conditioned the results obtained and often made them inadmissible or misunderstood in other disciplines.

For this reason, the Research Group plans to include several representatives of these disciplines among its participants in a joint research project.



Between 2 and 3 May 2025 the Research Group Purpose and Models of Governance in the Church will organize an Expert Meeting. The goal of these two days is to foster an interdisciplinary dialogue in which each participant presents their methodological perspective in relation to the study topics.

In line with the objectives of the 2024-2029 Strategic Plan, the Rectorate has established the Research Laboratory Santa Croce .

This new entity will specifically focus on coordinating and providing support to the research groups that have formed as a result of the Call for Projects of the academic years 2022-23 and 2023-24, as emphasized by the Vice-Rector of the University, Rev. Prof. Giovanni Zaccaria, to whom the Laboratory is organically dependent.

In linea con gli obiettivi del Piano strategico 2024-2029 dell'Università, è stata annunciata la creazione, da parte del Rettorato, del nuovo Laboratorio di Ricerca Santa Croce.

A questo proposito, pubblichiamo una breve intervista al Vicerettore, rev. prof. Giovanni Zaccaria, da cui dipende organicamente il Laboratorio.

Come nasce il Laboratorio di Ricerca Santa Croce?

Between November 20-22 of 2024, Professor and Father Fernando Puig participated in a gathering of business policy professors at San Telmo Business School in Seville. The meeting provided an excellent platform to showcase the "Purpose and Models of Governance in the Church" research project, a collaborative initiative between the Faculties of Canon Law at the Pontifical University of Holy Cross in Rome and the University of Navarra.

The meeting transcended traditional academic presentations, creating an environment conducive to deep reflection and meaningful exchange. Participants shared a common vision of establishing a forum for study, contemplation, and innovative proposals on governance, where constructive dialogue could foster new insights.


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