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Program of Church Management

The Program of Church Management teaches how to manage the temporal assets of the Church honestly and wisely, in conformity with the principles of Catholic Social Teaching and in accordance to canon law.

The Program of Church Management has been temporarily suspended.

The University is studying possibilities for the future development of the Program.

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The Program of Church Management (PCM) is a course organized to give clerics, seminarians, religious and lay persons economic, financial, and administrative skills in order to be exemplary in the stewardship of the ecclesiastic temporal patrimony.

It has become increasingly apparent that there is a need for a managerial-administrative formation for those who will be responsible for the Church’s material goods.

In raising awareness of this great need, not only have future priests and the economists of individual dioceses responded, but also members of the Church hierarchy, who are ready to contribute to a solution.

The Church needs to be exemplary in the stewardship of her material assets in order to give testimony to the Gospel. The pastoral use of her material goods is a constitutive element of the Church, and the correct dealing with money is an important element of the spirituality of any person entrusted with leadership roles.

Unlike secular business schools where students learn to create wealth and build businesses, this program focuses on how to serve the poor effectively and use the material assets of the Church honestly.

Participants learn the best managerial practices in conformity with the principles of Catholic Social Teaching and in accordance to canon law.

In cooperation with:


Fr. Robert Gahl, Associate Professor of Philosophy at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, and Vice Director of the Program of Church Management (PCM), is no stranger to the media. He is often heard on Relevant Radio and interviewed by ETWN and other Catholic media outlets to share his wisdom on various topics regarding the faith.

Starting in September Relevant Radio will be running a promotional radio spot for PCM, recorded by prof. Robert Gahl!

  Here you can listen to the spot

On June 21-23, 2018 we are holding the 10th International Conference on Catholic Social Thought and Business Education in conjunction with the 6th Colloquium on Christian Humanism in Business and Society at the University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis, Minnesota. The conference theme is “Building Institutions for the Common Good: the Purpose and Practice of Business in an Inclusive Economy.” 

The Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome debuts its new Pontifical program to train future church leaders at the Convocation of Catholic Leaders in Orlando, Florida

(Vatican Radio) Managing money, combatting corruption, planning a budget and guaranteeing transparency in all financial transactions. These important skills will be at the heart of a new programme on Church management to be launched next spring at the Pontifical Holy Cross University in Rome.

Designed to give priests, religious and lay people the skills to be better stewards of the Church’s resources, the course has been put together in partnership with a group of American Catholic universities and leadership training institutes.



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