MCE Conference on Economics and Management of Church Assets

On Wednesday, December 18, 2024 (11 AM - 1 PM, Aula Alvaro del Portillo), the MCE Research Centre hosted a conference titled Economia e gestione dei beni ecclesiastici (Economics and Management of Church Assets), aimed at reflecting on the modern economy in conjunction with certain principles of Church Management.
Economics permeates our daily lives, and the Church is no exception in this regard. A clear example is the ongoing economic and financial reforms in the Vatican and the Roman Curia under Pope Francis's leadership. Church representatives worldwide are increasingly faced with complex economic, financial, and organizational challenges.
In a newly published book titled Economics for Ecclesiastics. A Guide, released by the Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Monsignor Martin Schlag, Director of the Markets, Culture and Ethics (MCE) Research Centre at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, and Giuseppe Schlitzer, Director of the Supervisory and Financial Information Authority of the Holy See and Lecturer on Financial Globalization at the European University of Rome, aim to inspire clergy to delve deeper into the field and encourage young Christians to study economics.
In addition to the editors, the project involved various Catholic experts and academics, both Italian and international, with particular focus on the contribution of the Church’s social teaching to interpreting the significant developments of globalized markets and addressing the management of Church assets according to the principles of responsible stewardship. The final chapter of the book provides a detailed account of the reform process of the Vatican's economic-financial system, from the 2009 monetary agreement with the European Union to the present day.
Welcome Address
Rev. Prof. Fernando PUIG, Rector
Opening Remarks
Sr. Helen ALFORD, President of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences
Book Presentation
Mons. Prof. Martin SCHLAG, Director, MCE-PUSC
Panel Discussion
Prof. Paolo GARONNA, President, Centesimus Annus Foundation
Dr. Fabio GASPERINI, Secretary General, Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See
Rev. Prof. Giulio MASPERO, Dean, Faculty of Theology, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross
Rev. Prof. Michael RYAN, Lecturer, European University of Rome
Conclusions and Acknowledgements
Prof. Giuseppe SCHLITZER, Supervisory and Financial Information Authority of the Holy See, Lecturer at the European University of Rome
Dr. Andrea TORNIELLI, Editorial Director, Dicastery for Communication
Registration required at this link.