LECTURES ON SCIENCE AND THEOLOGY Philosophical and Historical Perspectives
From October 4th 2023 to January 17th 2024
The course intends:
a) to examine those contemporary scientific results and perspectives that seem to challenge our religious and theological worldview
b) to show the significance of the discourse on God in scientific culture.
The faith in God the creator of heaven and earth and the Christian proclamation of the Incarnation of the Word are assessed against the background of our knowledge of the physical cosmos, and of the evolutionary history of life and humankind on earth.
The course includes both an epistemological perspective – preliminary to the dialogue between science, philosophy and theology – and a historical perspective highlighting how those three fields of knowledge have interacted reciprocally.
Some relevant interdisciplinary issues are also addressed, such as the theology of miracle, the uniqueness of Homo sapiensamong the other living beings on the planet and the possible spread of life in the cosmos.
The course aims at providing an example of a Fundamental Theology in Scientific Context and is organized by the Interdisciplinary Center for Religion and Science (disf.org - inters.org).
The relevant topics of the Course are presented in the essay
G. Tanzella-Nitti, Scientific Perspectives in Fundamental Theology. Understanding Christian Faith in the Age of Scientific Reason, Claremont Press, 2022.
Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti
Professor of Fundamental Theology at PUSC
Director of DISF Center
Oskari Juurikkala
Department of Fundamental and Dogmatic Theology, PUSC, and Postdoctoral Researcher at Åbo Akademi, Finland
Attendance to single classes is free and open to the public.
Student s of other Universities may apply for the full course and credit recognition under the CRUIPRO agreement, or upon payment of a fee.
Period: from October 4th 2023 to January 17th 2024
Day: Wednesday 3:00-4:45 PM
Location: Room "Álvaro del Portillo", Pontifical University of Holy Cross, Rome
Information for admission and enrollment: teologia [at] pusc.it (subject: Course%20D462) (send e-mail).