Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions

On registering for the event

  • Where can I suscribe?

Here are the steps to get suscribed.

  • I don't remember if I have an account on the PUSC events site. What can I do?

In the form found on this page you can ask if there is an account associated with your e-mail.

  • Why is it necessary to open an account on the PUSC events site? Can't one access the Zoom webinar directly?

The events site allows for managing the registrations, sending the certificate of participation, making suggestions for reading or in-depth videos, processing payments, etc. To access the Zoom webinar you will receive a link the day before.

  • Are there any special rates?

The former students of the Faculty of Communication of the Holy Cross have a special price for their status as former students. But they don't accumulate a 'second discount' if they attend the full webinar. At the time of registration there is the possibility of applying that discount.

  • “Inspiring Trust” consists of 6 webinars. Do I need to sign up  for all of them?

You can choose to sign up for just some of the webinars at the time of registration, instead of all. However, registration for all 6 is recommended because they are designed as a progressive and gradual reflection of the process of inspiring trust. In addition, the subscription to all allows the application of a discount because it facilitates the management of subscribers.

On Zoom access

  • I don’t know which is the link to the Webinar. Where do I find it?

If you registered correctly on the PUSC events website for the webinar “Inspiring Trust”, you will receive a Zoom link the day before the event. As a reminder, you will receive the same link again an hour before the beginning of the sessions.

  • I registered correctly, but I didn’t receive any link

Check your spam folder. If you don’t find the link, please write to convegnocsi (at)

  • Do I need to download some program to use Zoom?

It’s not necessary. You can follow the event from your Internet browser. However, Zoom will ask if you want to follow the event using the app, which facilitates interaction and allows other possibilities. In that case, you will need to download and install it on your computer if you haven’t done so before.

  • I don’t hear or I don’t see

Look for the buttons on the Zoom window to access the audio. In a webinar, the audience doesn't see themselves, only the speakers. If you want to participate, you can post a question on the chat.

On the webinar

  • How can I ask the speakers questions?

There will be a chat for sending questions. However, the chat will be filtered: the questions will be gathered by a community manager who will group them thematically and direct them to the speakers. Each question should be signed with your name and country, for example: "How to inspire trust in a small work team?" (Alessandro, Perugia-Italy).

  • What languages will the talks be in? What languages will they be translated into?

The talks will be in English and Spanish. There will always be translation between those two languages. In the program the languages ​​of each day are specified.

  • How do I access the translator's audio? 

To activate the simultaneous translation of the sessions, just follow these steps: 
A. If you log in from a computer:
1. In the webinar controls, click on "Interpretation".
2. Then choose the language you want to hear.
3. To hear only the interpreted language, click on "Mute Original Audio".

B. If signing in from a mobile device:
1. In the meeting controls, tap the ellipsis icon (...).
2. Click on "Interpret language".
3. Then choose the language you would like to hear.
4. Press the lever on "Mute original audio".
5. Click "Done".

  • Will the written texts of the talks be published?

Yes, at the end of the Webinar Series, Edizioni Santa Croce will publish a volume with the contributions of the speakers in epub/pdf format.

  • I arrived late, can I watch the episode later?

Once the 6 webinars are over, the videos will be edited and links will be sent to subscribers to access them.

Other questions

  • Where can I get more information?

Please write to: convegnocsi (at)


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