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Program of Church Management

The Program of Church Management teaches how to manage the temporal assets of the Church honestly and wisely, in conformity with the principles of Catholic Social Teaching and in accordance to canon law.

The Program of Church Management has been temporarily suspended.

The University is studying possibilities for the future development of the Program.

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The Program of Church Management (PCM) is a course organized to give clerics, seminarians, religious and lay persons economic, financial, and administrative skills in order to be exemplary in the stewardship of the ecclesiastic temporal patrimony.

It has become increasingly apparent that there is a need for a managerial-administrative formation for those who will be responsible for the Church’s material goods.

In raising awareness of this great need, not only have future priests and the economists of individual dioceses responded, but also members of the Church hierarchy, who are ready to contribute to a solution.

The Church needs to be exemplary in the stewardship of her material assets in order to give testimony to the Gospel. The pastoral use of her material goods is a constitutive element of the Church, and the correct dealing with money is an important element of the spirituality of any person entrusted with leadership roles.

Unlike secular business schools where students learn to create wealth and build businesses, this program focuses on how to serve the poor effectively and use the material assets of the Church honestly.

Participants learn the best managerial practices in conformity with the principles of Catholic Social Teaching and in accordance to canon law.

In cooperation with:


On January 14 the former Prefect of the Secretary for the Economy at the Vatican, Cardinal George Pell, joined the Program of Church Management and the Global Institute of Church Management for a webinar on Creating a Transparent Culture in the Catholic Church. During the webinar, the Cardinal addressed some of the key points of transparency and how it should be pursued in the Church. 

“Money is a tainted thing that can fascinate clerics”

On April 8, 2021 we hosted a webinar on Financial Transparency for Religious Orders, as part of the series Building a Transparent & Accountable Church.

On March 11, 2021 we hosted a webinar on Financial Transparency for Parishes, as part of the series Building a Transparent & Accountable Church.

On February 11, 2021 at 4pm CET (7am PT, 10am ET) we hosted a webinar on Financial Transparency for Dioceses, as part of the series Building a Transparent & Accountable Church.



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