Program Latin 1

This program is provisional and subject to change in accord with the specific needs of the students.

Course overview

Level 1 has no pre-requisites.

Reading an easy text without dictionary.

Course topics:
Three nominal declensions
All 7 cases (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, ablative, vocative, locative)
All types of adjectives (including -i stems)
System of present tense active: indicative, imperative, infinitive (all conjugations)
Pronouns (qui, quis, hic, ille, iste, is)
Oratio obliqua with present tense

Class Format:
Polis method: Full immersion with use of various comprehensible input (CI) techniques, such as total physical response (TPR), participative storytelling (TPRS), and more.

Teaching aids:
Book "Forum".

Exams and grading system

- Three exams during the course.
- Morphology and syntax exercises.
- Short essay.

A: Excellence: 96 - 100%
B: Above the average standard: 86 - 95%
C: Average standard: 76 - 85%
D: Below the average standard: 66 - 75%
E: Minimum criteria to pass: 60 - 65%
E: Fail: 0 - 59%


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