

"Like God’s gift to his Church, the tree of the Liturgy comes forth and grows.
Like a wise gardener, the Church accompanies this growth, making it evermore fruitful for the life of God’s people.
Like a grateful child, every faithful is called to wonder before this divine gift, contemplating it for greater knowledge and delight."

Through the Biblioteca di iniziazione alla Liturgia (BIL), the Institute of Liturgy of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross seeks to offer a series of popular scientific works addressed to a wide readership interested in themes concerning the liturgical celebration.


Juan Rego (ed.)

Divina perceptio

Giovanni Zaccaria
José Luis Gutiérrez-Martín

Liturgia. Un'Introduzione

Giovanni Zaccaria (ed.)

Messale Romano

Pilar Río (ed.)

Il mysterium dell'assemblea

Philip Goyret - Giovanni Zaccaria

Inviati per servire

Pilar Río

Chiesa e Liturgia

Juan Rego (ed.)

Incontri con Romano Guardini

Giuseppe Ruppi

Mistagogia dei Sacramenti

Veritatem inquirere was born in 2016, the result of academic agreements between the Pontifical Lateran University and Mikołaja Kopernika University in Toruń. Starting in 2021, the series nova opens as the outcome of the collaboration between Pontifical University of the Holy Cross and the University of Toruń.

Nicholas Copernicus' expression "Veritatem inquirere" indicates the direction of the publications: the search and deepening of the truth through the knowledge of history offers privileged opportunities to continue building that Christian humanism that has been invoked on many sides.

The liturgical sphere in which most of the works are placed is not meant to be an exclusion of other spheres, but an opportunity to help grasp how liturgical documentation constitutes an opportunity to deepen the culture and languages of Christian communities that entrusted the content of their faith to the codices and their illustrations.

Manlio Sodi - Orazio Antonio Bologna (edd.)

Sacramentario Gregoriano

Andrzej Wojciech Suski - Manlio Sodi - Alessandro Toniolo (edd.)


Andrzej Wojciech Suski - Manlio Sodi - Gionata Brusca (edd.)

Liber qui dicitur ordinarius
Inventario dei manoscritti

Manlio Sodi - Daniel Brzeziński (edd.)

Spes mea unica
Miscellanea offerta a Mons. Andrzej W. Suski



Veritatem inquirere. Series prima

  1. G. Baroffio - M. Sodi - A. Suski, Sacramentari e messali pretridentini di provenienza italiana. Guida ai manoscritti, Lateran University Press - Società Bibliografica Toscana, Vatican City - Torrita di Siena 2016, pp. 443.
  2. M. Sodi - A. Toniolo, Descendit Christus, descendit et Spiritus. L’iniziazione alla vita cristiana in Ambrogio da Milano, Lateran University Press, Vatican City 2016, pp. 373.
  3. M. Sodi - R. Ronzani (edd.), La predicazione nei Padri della Chiesa. Una tradizione sempre attuale, Lateran University Press, Vatican City 2017, pp. 272.
  4. C. Calvano, “Sapientia Latina”. Un nuovo metodo per conoscere il patrimonio linguistico romano-cristiano, Lateran University Press, Vatican City 2018, pp. 420.
  5. A. Suski - M. Sodi - A. Toniolo, Sacramentari gregoriani. Guida ai manoscritti e concordanza verbale, Lateran University Press, Vatican City 2018, pp. 847.


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