Other Services

Information concerning academic life (class timetable, exam dates, study plans, timetable changes, etc.) is published on the notice boards of the Faculties and the Academic Secretariat. Students are required to view them regularly.

Further general information follows:

Didatic Resources Department

The Didactic Resources Department supports, informs, and advises faculty on didactic matters or issues. Its roles include the design of e-learning courses, the development of teaching materials and tutorials which are also available online for faculty and students of the Faculties and ISSRA. It also provides guidance and support on teaching with new tech tools. The main tool the department manages is Discere (discere.pusc.it, discere-issra.pusc.it), the new virtual classroom that is based on the Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle and the Kaltura multimedia content creation, management, and distribution platform. The department also organizes and manages the optional courses in the didactic section of the Teaching of the Catholic Religion.

risorsedidattiche [at] pusc.it (Send an e-mail to the Department)

Foreign Students Office 

In collaboration with the Roman Universities, the Pontifical Gregorian University offers students support through their guidance office. It serves to help all those who, coming from other countries, find themselves having to fulfill all the necessary formalities to be able to stay in Italy legally for their studies.


Foreign Students Office
Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Mondays and Wednesdays from 14.15 to 16.15 
e mail: uss [at] unigre.it
Tel. e Fax  0039-06-6701- 5445

Wireless Networks (Classrooms-PUSC & PUSC-WL)

1. The wireless network Aule-PUSC is available on the main campus of the Apollinare Palace, and students can access it with the username and password they use for the Discere Virtual Classroom and the Academic Secretary's Online Services. This network also provides free access to the university's intranet.

2. The same network is also provided in the library—active in the Sala di Lettura, the Sala Dottorandi, and the Sala SIB, with the same access mode.

Cafeteria "Mensa"

The Apollinare Palazzo campus also houses the university cafeteria (“mensa”), which is available to faculty, students, and administrative and technical staff. The service is run by a certified food service company. The recommended time slot for students to eat is: 12:45–1:30 p.m.



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