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Extracts from the Statutes

Excerpts taken from the Statutes regarding the imposition of disciplinary measures



Article 48

  1. All professors whose subject deals with faith and morals must be aware that their task should be carried out in full communion with the authentic Magisterium of the Church, and in the first place, with the Roman Pontiff. To this end, every contract between the University and professor contains a clause specifying that the teacher is obliged to respect the Doctrine of the Church's Magisterium. The clause also indicates that, should this obligation be neglected, the University can terminate the contract according to the norms in article 47.
  2. The task of nominating teachers belongs to the Rector, upon the proposal of the Governing Board of each School. Before being nominated, candidates must receive the missio canonico or the venia docendi from the Chancellor or one of his delegates, according to the norms of canon law.

Article 49

In cases described by n.1 of the preceding article, the Dean will try to resolve the issue with the teacher privately. Should they fail to reach an agreement, the Rector's Board will nominate a Commission to examine the case. The professor will be allowed to defend himself, and the Commission will then make a decision. This decision can be appealed to the Chancellor. Making use of help from experts both internal and external to the University, he will examine the issue and make a decision.

Article 53

For disciplinary purposes, the following actions are considered serious offenses:

a) Statements against faith or morals, especially when expressed during one's teaching duties;
b) Grave disobedience of the academic authorities or the instigation of student demonstrations intended to disturb the University's order;
c) Unjustified absence from teaching duties for more than ten days of lessons;
d) Serious negligence of one's teaching duties or other entrusted tasks.

Article 54

The disciplinary measures applicable to serious offenses are temporary suspension, for up to a year, from teaching duties or the termination of employment.

Article 55

  1. Should severe measures be necessary, they will be imposed through provisions of the Rector that are adopted in consultation with his Board. Decisions to terminate employment can be appealed to the Chancellor.
  2. Disciplinary procedures begin with a statement of charges against the professor, who has fifteen days to present his defense, and/or to ask for a personal hearing.
  3. Should the gravity of the facts require it, the Rector may remove the teacher from office pending the conclusion of the disciplinary procedure.




Article 63

  1. Students are obliged to observe academic discipline.
  2. The following are serious disciplinary offenses:
    1. public statements against faith and morals;
    2. contumacious disobedience or irreverence before authorities or University professors; serious insults, through either words or deeds, against any person belonging to the academic community;
    3. public moral scandal or commission of a crime;
    4. grave offenses of a sacred minister against the obligations of his condition;
    5. the collective, contumacious disobedience of the University's standards, or the disorderly disturbance of academic order;
    6. substitution by another student in academic exams, or the counterfeiting of documents.

Article 64

The punishments applicable for serious offenses are the following: temporary suspension of student rights for up to one year or dismissal from the University.

Article 65

  1. Temporary suspension is imposed with reasonable cause by the Dean, following the proposal of the Assistant Dean for Students in consultation with the other members of the Governing Board of the School.
  2. Dismissal of a student from the University is imposed with reasonable cause by the Rector, adopted in consultation with his Board, following the proposal of the School Governing Board.
  3. The student must be informed of both the disciplinary procedure as well as the charges being made against him. He has ten days to present his own defense and/or ask for a personal hearing.
  4. Should the gravity of the offense require, the Dean, in consultation with the other members of the Governing Board, can order the student's removal from the University pending the conclusion of the disciplinary procedure.
  5. In the case of Sacred Ministers, candidates to Holy Orders, members of institutes for consecrated life or of societies of apostolic life, the student's proper Ordinary or legitimate Superior will be informed of the application of the punishments of temporary suspension or expulsion.



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