Webinar with Card. George Pell

On January 14, 2021 at 4pm CET (7am PT, 10am ET) we hosted a webinar on Creating a Transparent Culture in the Catholic Church. The webinar was part of the series of webinars Building a Transparent & Accountable Church.
The Catholic Church has repeatedly and rightfully been accused of a lack of transparency. As the world’s oldest non-profit organization, indeed, the world’s oldest institution, she faces many challenges to adapt to current professional standards of financial transparency. This webinar defined what a transparent culture in the Church is, discussed the challenges, and considered specific environments in the Church.
Our guest was Cardinal George Pell, Prefect Emeritus, Secretariat for the Economy; Former Member, Council of Cardinal Advisers; Archbishop Emeritus, Sydney, Australia (Photo credit: Alexey Gotovskiy, CNA).
Fr. Robert Gahl (Vice Chair, Program of Church Management) and Pia de Solenni (President & Executive Director, Global Institute of Church Management) moderated the webinar.
You may watch the video of the webinar here: