Expert Meeting of the Research Project "Towards a Theology of Evangelization"

Making the Bible a meaningful source of truth and salvation for contemporary man
On November 14 and 15, 2024, the Research Group Towards a Theology of Evangelization at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross organized its second Expert Meeting, focusing on how to make the Bible a source of truth and salvation that remains meaningful for contemporary man.
The speakers present have sought to address questions centered around the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ, which is the key to the interpretation (hermeneutics) of the entire Sacred Scripture.
The Sacred Scripture contains the answers to the vital questions of the human being and the fundamental truths about his relationship with God, with others, and with the world: how can it be presented today in an attractive way while avoiding scandal and misunderstanding? How can we bridge the gap with the sensibility of contemporary man?
If the Gospel is a proclamation of salvation, it is also true that the understanding of this proclamation is necessarily mediated by a salvific history entrusted to the people of Israel, a history whose hermeneutics is now difficult and no longer universally shared.
For example, one might wonder what role to assign to an apparently violent image of God and what logic to attribute to a "law of retribution" that seems to operate not only in an eschatological key but also throughout history. Which biblical foundations and historical-truth contexts should be preserved, and which aspects, figures, and modes of presentation should instead be overcome?