Webinar "Utopia and sustainability"

On 8 June 2021 at 13.15 the Markets, Culture and Ethics (MCE) Research Centre hosted the webinar Utopia and sustainability, third appointment of the Webinar Series Humanistic Management: In the Market, which Culture to act according to Ethics? organized in partnership with Humanistic Management, Center for Business in Society (CBS) of IESE Business School, International Humanistic Management Association, Humanistic Management Center.
Host of the meeting Cristiano Busco, Professor of Accounting e Integrating Reporting at Department of Business and Management of Luiss Guido Carli.
The dialogue between philosophy and management, the guiding thread of this series of webinars, has turned to the theme of utopia. Utopia by definition is a non-place. The literati of all times, in times of social crisis, reflected on this concept, proposing what for them represented the ideal society. Simone Budini, member of Humanistic Management and professor at the Salesian Pontifical University, illustrated the difference between utopia and utopianism, where the former is an improvement tension towards what is desirable, while the latter is a scheme, often reductionist, fruit of the thought of the few and imposed on society. Consequently, utopia is not outside the freedom of individuals, and its starting point is the education of individuals.
From the enterprise point of view, Cristiano Busco has emphasized the importance to avoid the reductionism of the numbers and to search the sustainability in integrated way, not through an individualistic management of the indicators.
You may watch the video of the webinar here: